First Day of Kindergarten Photo Gallery

Thursday, Aug. 25 was the first day of school for P-H-M’s littlest students … kindergartners! District wide, there are nearly 800 kindergartners in all 11 of P-H-M’s elementary schools.

This year Mary Frank has 58 new little “MUSTANGS!”

All of our teachers were so pleased by this year’s kindergarten class. All the students are quick learners, well behaved, polite, funny and of course … cute!

Scroll through the pictures below to see how they spent their first day! You can also check out our district photo gallery of the first day of kindergarten.

Sign Up for Girls Grades 3-8 Fall Basketball League

Penn High School’s state championship girls basketball program will conduct a community-sponsored girls basketball league for girls in Grades 3-8.

Sign-up is on Sunday, Aug. 28 in the Penn High School Arena from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 

The Junior League is for girls in Grades 3-6, and the Senior League is for girls in Grades 7-8.

  • Click here for the Junior League (Grades 3-6) schedule and registration information.

  • Click here for the Senior League (Grades 7-8) schedule and registration information.

The league begins on Sunday, Sept. 11. 

*Adobe Acrobat Reader will be required to view PDFs. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please visit Adobe’s website at this link to download your free version. If you need more help with basketball registration, please contact Kristi Ulrich at 

Elementary Visual Arts Academy nominated for state honor

The mother of a 1st grade student states, “It’s brilliant!
The curriculum is so intentional, and the writing-art
connection is outstanding. We are thankful for your
passion to do this!”

Engaging, enriching—words that describe the 2016 Visual Arts Academy. 

Excited, enthralled—the reaction of so many of the children experiencing this unique summer program.

Now in its fourth year, over 800 children in grades K-5 are taking part in the 2016 Visual Arts Academy.  

The Visual Arts Academy has been nominated to receive the designation of “Promising Practice.” That distinction is granted by the Indiana Department of Education to programs that use innovative approaches to deliver educational benefits. Once “Promising Practices” are identified, other Indiana districts may choose to initiate similar programs for the families they serve.

The Visual Arts Academy represents an innovative partnership developed by Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation and the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame. The Academy features art making and writing through the examination of original works of art from both the Snite Museum and museums around the world.

One youngster proudly asked, “Did you know  
that I am an artist?”

It is comprised of six one-week programs, running from June 6 through July 15, 2016. Each week students from a different grade level experience a diversely rich curriculum that focuses upon the creation of an identity as an artist with words as well as images.

Each day students work with the visiting artists and art teachers in art making, elementary writing teachers for writing workshop and visual thinking strategies, multi-media experience to learn about art mediums such as glass blowing or architecture. Students also spend one day at the Snite Museum.

Since its inception, the vision and mission of the Visual Arts Academy has been shared by a core group of teachers and administrators at P-H-M and Notre Dame. Under the leadership of Assistant Superintendent Dr. Kay Antonelli, the group created the curricula “from the ground up” and provided the professional development for all teachers who participate during the Academy. Over 25 elementary writing and secondary art teachers are serving the Academy this summer.

Thanks to the financial support of these contributors, the Visual Arts Academy is provided for all children free of charge.

  • From the family of a 2nd grade student:  “He doesn’t
    normally participate in things. This is the most open he
    has been, and he now has something he feels is his!”

    The Community Foundation of St. Joseph County ($50,000 grant)

  • The P-H-M Education Foundation

  • Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation

  • The Snite Museum of Art

  • The Law Offices of May, Oberfell, Lorber

  • And various other contributors

Mary Frank Among Six P-H-M Schools Named “Four Star Schools”


The Indiana Department of Education has announced the 2014-15 Four Star Schools and six Penn-Harris-Madison Schools made the annual roster for this elite distinction.

Along with Mary Frank, P-H-M’s other Four Star Schools include HorizonNorthpoint and Prairie Vista Elementary Schools, as well as Discovery Middle School and Penn High School.


In order to achieve this designation, a school must be in the top 25th percentile of schools in two ISTEP-based categories. Additionally, a qualifying school must have earned the highest designation in the state’s accountability system and be accredited by the Indiana Department of Education. A total of 287 schools received the award throughout the state. A complete list of the schools that received the award, as well as a more complete methodology outlining Four Star determination, can be found on the IDOE’s website.

In January, the 2015 ISTEP+ scores were released and P-H-M ranked 10th in the state among 293 public school districts. The District earned an 81.4% pass rate for ELA (English/Language Arts); 78.0% pass rate for Math; and an overall combined pass rate of 72.1% for both subjects areas. P-H-M was also rated an “A-rated” school district for the 6th year in a row.


Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation serves approximately 10,700 students in 11 elementary schools, three middle schools and Penn High School. Penn High School's graduation rate exceeds the state’s with a 97% graduation rate and is rated a 90-25-90 school by the IDOE. 100% of P-H-M teachers rank either highly effective or effective. 

Coming Soon: New CANVAS dashboard for parent and student users

CANVAS is an online communication platform that connects students, parents and teachers. CANVAS has boosted the success of P-H-M’s Chromebook program in middle and high school, and most of our users have given it a “thumbs up” this year.

Starting June 6, 2016, P-H-M’s CANVAS users will see a new and improved “dashboard” when they log on. In addition to the new look, the user will have new options for organizing and viewing CANVAS content. We think the changes being made to the user interface will merit two thumbs up!  


Parents and students, watch the video below for an overview of the changes. 

The URL (web address ) to CANVAS is not changing. You will find it at the same location, or by using the same link or shortcut, as you have used in the past. 

Your login information will not change. Your CANVAS login is the same as your HAC (Home Access Center) login.

  • Contact the school office or email the HAC helpdesk if you need help setting up your account. 

Visit the Canvas Help Page for additional resources and information.

Running Is Elementary!

Running Is Elementary, now in its 8th year, took place Monday, May 2, 2016, on the 1 mile cross-country course located behind Elm Road Elementary School. The 700 student-athletes ran on wet ground under cloudy skies, but their spirits were warmed by the hundreds of spectators cheering them on. Enthusiasm for this event—including student participation and family support—grows every year!

This exciting program gets its momentum from the schools’ running clubs, formed early in the spring and led by staff who act as coaches for the fourth and fifth grade boys and girls who choose to participate. The clubs meet, run and train for several weeks ahead of the public RIE event in May. On that day the students, in their colorful team T-shirts, gather at the start line, eager to give the rugged course their best effort. Superintendent Jerry Thacker and TCU’s Chris Griggs-Huppert signaled the start of the first heat, with P-H-M Board members and patrons starting the other heats.

Every student, from the first to cross the finish line to the last, is cheered on. Some even have companions or support runners who help them keep the pace and finish the race.

One goal for all involved is personal fitness—a healthy pursuit made all the more fun since RIE takes place as outdoor recreation among friends.  Some youngsters with a bent for running set speed goals as well. One fifth grader finished the mile with a remarkable time of 6:04! 

Running Is Elementary is sponsored by Corporations for Education, the corporate arm of the P-H-M Education Foundation. Much credit also goes to Horizon Elementary P.E. teacher and RIE coordinator Cindy Batalis, who, along with her committee and many volunteers, works hard to make the event safe and successful.

Here is a photo gallery from this year’s event for you to enjoy! 



The votes are in: P-H-M Education Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Gala a success!

The Gala took place Saturday, April 23, 2016 at the Palais Royale Ballroom and PHMEF Executive Director Mari Linn Wise reports, “It was a smashing success!”

Friends of the school district gathered to celebrate the P-H-M Education Foundation’s two decades of accomplishments—having a great time and raising even more funds while they were at it!

The evening’s Roaring 20’s theme came through with plenty of glitz and glam. There were “flappers” in headbands and feather boas, and “dappers” in hats and spats. Chairperson Christine Rutherford and her staff of volunteers saw to the many details that made the evening memorable, including black and gold art deco touches, vintage costumes, designer cupcakes, and jazz music provided by Penn High students. 

View the full photo gallery here.

The highlight of the evening was the on-stage entertainment provided by teams of principals and assistant principals. Wise says, “PHMEF asked our principals and assistant principals to step outside their comfort zone to raise funds for our students by performing. P-H-M is so fortunate to have such caring administrators who want to raise funds for our students. Our winning Team Five closed out the night with a standing-ovation performance. Congratulations to all of the teams!”

Many parents, friends, staff members and community members who did not attend the Gala still supported it by casting $10 votes for their favorite teams of principals and assistant principals. On top of that giving, came a vote matching offer from Gary Fox for Crowe Horwath. He pledged to match each $10 vote, up to 100 votes for each team!

Here’s the final tally, including Mr. Fox’s generous support:

  • Team 1 – 122 votes (Penn High)
  • Team 2 – 217 votes (Horizon, Northpoint, P Vista)
  • Team 3 – 437 votes (Elsie, W Disney, Meadow’s, Bittersweet, Madison)
  • Team 4 – 223 votes (DMS, GMS, SMS)
  • Team 5 – 451 votes (Mary Frank, Elm Road, Moran)
  • Team 6 – 198 votes (Wildcard: Mr. Kauffman!)
  • Total votes – 1,648

$16,480 was raised for P-H-M students and programs through votes alone!


Thousands of dollars in additional funds were raised through a silent auction conducted through online bidding, as well as live bidding to support the Summer Visual Arts Academy, and live bidding to underwrite PHMEF direct classroom grants

"I am overwhelmed by the support and generosity of the P-H-M community,” Wise states. “Our 20th Anniversary Gala was the first sit-down dinner in the Foundation’s history and it proved to be such a success. It was a night of fun and entertainment while raising much needed funds for our students.”

She continues, “Many thanks to the gala chair, Christine Rutherford, to the principals and assistant principals who showcased their talents, and to our families for their continued support.” 

The Foundation Board expresses special thanks to these five underwriters:  Gurley Leep Subaru, University of Notre Dame, Crowe Horwath, Jim and Julie Schwartz, and Gates Automotive Group.


Click here to view the Foundation’s timeline, charting 20 amazing years of contributions and growth. 

Mary Frank to be a public polling location for the Tuesday May 3 primary election

When Indiana’s presidential primary election takes place Tuesday, May 3, 2016, Mary Frank Elementary School will house a polling center, as it has in the past.

Voters should park behind the school and enter at Door F, near the tennis courts. Voting takes place in the hallway area inside Door F. Voters will not be allowed passage into the students’ area.  

Other P-H-M schools that will serve as voting locations in this spring election are Penn High School, Schmucker Middle School, Meadow’s Edge Elementary School, Prairie Vista Elementary School, and Walt Disney Elementary School. Of course registered voters may only use the polling location that serves their precinct, based on home address.  Here is a link to the precincts maps and polling location information provided by St. Joseph County.

Friday April 29 is school “make up day”

All P-H-M schools will be in session on Friday, April 29—including Mary Frank, of course!  

This day of instruction will make up for the day that schools were closed due to bad weather, Thursday, Feb. 25. 

Parents, thanks for your cooperation.

Students, see you then! 

Parents cast your vote & help raise money for Mary Frank!

Parents, show your support for P-H-M’s elementary school leadership AND help raise money for Mary Frank Elementary School!

At the P-H-M Education Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Gala on April 23, P-H-M principals will perform Vaudeville-style acts, competing against other P-H-M school teams. 

All the acts will be unique and definitely entertaining, but only one team—the one with the most votes—will win the PHaMmy award!

Here’s how you can help raise money for our school:

  • Votes cost $10 each and you can cast multiple votes between now and the evening of the Gala.
  • 50% of what each team raises will go directly back to that team’s schools!
  • The first 100 votes for each team will be matched dollar for dollar by Gary Fox of Crowe Horwath. (Mr. Fox is P-H-M Board of School Trustees President and an Education Foundation Board Member.)



You bet they do! Just watch the video.


START VOTING TODAY & give TEAM FIVE a head start! Follow these easy steps:

  1. Click "Browse, Bid and Buy – View Items"
  2. ​Click "Register” to create a Gesture account 
  3. Vote for TEAM FIVE  (Auction Item #105)

Check here daily to see how the votes are coming in, and which team’s in the lead!

WATCH LIVE STREAM OF THE GALA PERFORMANCES (Sat., April 23, 7:30 p.m.) on the Penn News Network—then vote again! Votes will be tallied and a winner announced at the end of the evening.

PARTICIPATE IN THE SILENT AUCTION at the same Browse, Bid and Buy” page where you cast your votes. Check out the many attractive items being offered, then stay on top of the bidding to get what you want and benefit the Foundation.  

The P-H-M Education Foundation has many reasons to celebrate its 20 years of service to the P-H-M community.  Since 1996, the Foundation has distributed more than $520,000 to our schools and classrooms via innovative teaching grants. The Foundation also uses proceeds to underwrite district activities with widespread impact such as “Running is Elementary” and the “Summer Visual Arts Academy.”  Its mission: To support excellence in education.

A vote for TEAM FIVE is a vote for excellence in education!