Register Now for the 2020 Silver Mile Bubble Bash on Sat., May 16
Saturday, May 16
8:30 a.m. – Noon
Penn High School
Register online today! Early Bird Registration is available until Sunday, May 3 ($20 for adults, $10 for students)!
Do you like bubbles? Well, if you do, you’ll enjoy the Silver Mile Bubble Bash!
Highlighted changes for this year’s event:
- Early start time, 8:30 a.m.
- 1.5 mile and 5K route options
- Lower early bird prices: $20 for adults, $10 for students
- Family Pricing: $60 for four or more (at same address)
Missed out on all the bubbly fun last year? Don’t let it happen two years in a row! Watch the video and see how much fun you and your whole family will have …
The Silver Mile Run is the largest fundraiser for the P-H-M Education Foundation and all the proceeds go towards providing innovative P-H-M teaching grants, scholarships to students, staff development, and other corporation-wide initiatives.
Presenting sponsor Saint Joseph Health System will offer free health screenings including body mass index and blood sugar! Other area businesses will also be on hand to showcase health and fitness related activities, resources and services.
After a fun day, leave with great bargains purchased at the Silent Auction. The P-H-M student talent showcase is always a crowd pleaser. Last year, the student groups included Horizon Show Choir, Bittersweet Cardio Drummers, Elm Road Jumping Eagles, Meadow’s Edge Dancers, and Penn High School Dancers.
Choose to walk or run the 5K or take a shorter loop. This exciting untimed race welcomes runners of all experience levels while blasting through foam bogs and fun spirit stations along the course.
The Silver Mile Bubble Bash is a chance for P-H-M families and local community members to get together and show their support for excellence in education in all P-H-M schools. Proceeds are returned to P-H-M schools by awarding innovative teacher grants, scholarships to students, staff development and other corporation-wide initiatives.
Click here to take advantage of early bird registration and for more information on the Bubble Bash.
Robotics Tournament a Family Event, March 14 & 15
Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 14 & Sunday, March 15 for the FIRST Robotics St. Joseph District Event. Penn High School is once again hosting more than 40 high school FRC robotics teams from Indiana and Michigan who will battle it out for the title. Join more than 5,000 students, coaches, mentors, parents and fans during this one-of-a-kind two-day FREE event!
Saturday, March 14
10 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Next Gen (K-8): 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Sunday, March 15
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Click to watch the video below to check out all the upcoming excitement, then come out to cheer on Penn Robotics Team 135!
Make sure to also bring your young Robotics fans to “Next Gen,” an area for students ages K-8, who can get hands-on engaging fun with some of Team 135’s other robots. Next Gen will be open Saturday from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. This event is also FREE ADMISSION!
Kingsmen Junior Boys Basketball League
Sign-up for the Kingsmen Junior Boys Basketball League on Tuesday, September 10th from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., at Penn High School, enter Door D.
All games will be played on Sundays in the Penn Fitness Center, enter Door G.
Grades 3 & 4 Games Times: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Grades 5 & 6 Games Times: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
*Game times subject to change due to league size
Before each game, all players will learn a Team Concept. The 15 minute Team Concept will be led by Penn Varsity Assistant Coach Julius Smith. Team coaches will consist of approved volunteer parents and members of the community. Each team coach will assist with the team concept lesson before each game. The league will start on September 22nd with the last games being played on November 3rd.
The cost of the league will be $75 for every player, along with the additional cost of the Kingsmen reversible jersey. All players must purchase a Penn Jersey. We will have info to order your sons Jersey at the time of registration.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Assistant Boys Varsity Coach Julius Smith at
First Day of Kindergarten 2019
On Thursday, August 22, we welcomed back the youngest members of the P-H-M family … our kindergartners!
This up and coming Class of 2032 kicked off their educational careers in true #PHMExcellence fashion! Get a glimpse of the First Day of Kindergarten across the District. Some of our little Mustangs are featured about 1:20 into the video …
2019 Community Tailgate
P-H-M’s annual Community Tailgate to kick off the start of the Penn Football Season will once again be held at the TCU Freed Field, South End Concession Stand Plaza.
The Tailgate is hosted by Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation and the Penn Boosters Club for all P-H-M families and patrons to enjoy.
So come out early to the football game, grab a hot dog and catch up with old friends! Then stick around to cheer on the Kingsmen as they take on LaPorte in the season Home Opener!
Friday, August 30
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
TCU Freed Field, South End Concession Stand Plaza
Tickets $4.00 (payable at the event) includes:
Bratwurst or hot dog
Potato Chips
Spring 2019 ILEARN Results
Students in grades 3 – 8 participated in the ILEARN assessments earlier this spring. Since ILEARN is a new test, the results with proficiency levels and final scores will not be available for schools until August 15.
In accordance with Indiana Code 20-32-5.1-12(d), parents and schools have an opportunity to request a rescore for any open-ended item(s) to which students responded on the ILEARN assessment.
Requesting a rescore is optional and is not a requirement for scoring your student’s test.
The P-H-M ILEARN Rescore Request window will be open from Monday, July 15 – Friday, July 26. Parents or guardians who wish to view students’ response images and scoring rubrics must complete P-H-M’s online form to schedule an appointment at the Educational Services Center for the window of dates listed above. Please click here if you wish to make an appointment. The State is not providing a separate online portal this year for parents to access this information.
If you wish to make an appointment, please note during the appointment, the parent or guardian will ONLY be able to view the following:
an image of your student’s response to each open-ended item
a sample of student responses for each score point
the scoring rubric to help decide whether to request a rescore for that item
Important Information about the rescore process:
- The rescore request, if desired, will be submitted by P-H-M on behalf of the parent or guardian
- Requesting a rescore may result in an increased or decreased score
- A rescore request cannot be reversed
- A rescore request can only be submitted once
Again, requesting a rescore is optional and is not a requirement for scoring your student’s test.
Parents/Guardians who wish to view students’ ILEARN response images and scoring rubrics, must click here to make an appointment for Monday, July 15 – Friday, July 26.
Penn Girls Basketball elementary/middle school leagues Aug. 25
Sign-up for the Penn Girls Basketball Leagues will be from noon-to-2 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 25.
The Junior League is for grades 3-6, and the Senior League is for grades 7-8.
Both the Junior League and Senior League start on Sunday, Sept. 8. The Junior League ends on Sunday, Nov. 10, and the Senior League ends on Sunday, Nov. 17.
- Click here for information on the Junior League.
- Click here for information on the Senior League.
Kindergarten Registration for 2019-2020 NOW OPEN!
Registration for kindergarten students for the 2019-2020 school year opened on Tuesday, January 22, 2019.
This registration opportunity is for youngsters who live within the P-H-M district and who will be five-years-old on or before September 1, 2019.
Registration for Elm Road Elementary will take place during the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. A parent or guardian must appear in person to register their child.
Click here for more registration forms and more details on P-H-M Kindergarten Registration.
Penn-Harris-Madison also operates two preschool programs: Early Learning Academy (ELA) and Penn PALS. Elm Road is home to the Penn PALS program.
Click here to learn more about Penn PALS and download a registration form. Registration for the 2019-20 school year opens Monday, March 11, 2019.
Click here to learn more about ELA and to download a registration form. Registration for the 2019-20 school year opens Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019.
Summer 2019 Food Service Program
The Food Service Department of the Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation is participating in the Summer Food Service Program for Summer 2019.
FREE MEALS will be available to children 18 years of age and under, or persons more than 18 who are determined by a state or local public education agency to be mentally or physically disabled and who participate in a public or non-profit private school program established for the mentally or physically disabled.
The program will operate Monday through Friday. All sites will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2018.
Please click here for more information and a complete list of sites and dates.
2019 Running is Elementary Results
There was a break in the rain on Wednesday (May 1) for the 11th annual “Running is Elementary.” The course was mostly dry, but the 4th and 5th grade runners did get a little muddy!
Click to watch the YouTube video below & then click here to see the full photo gallery on our Facebook page.
The one mile run is held at Penn’s Cross-country course, which is located behind Elm Road Elementary School. Approximately 610 students participated in Wednesday’s race. Many more students participated in the 6-week training leading up to the race, but could not participate in the rain day event held on May 1; originally the race was scheduled for Monday, April 29, but had to be rescheduled due to rain.
This annual event encourages fitness, healthy choices and wellness. Fourth and fifth graders are encouraged to sign up for the free running club. Designated coaches at each school are then tasked with training the runners for the 6-week club which then culminates with the Running is Elementary one mile race. The students are cheered on by their families, principals, teachers and running coaches; it’s amazing to see the dedication and hard work the students put in to complete the race.
Cindy Batalis (P-H-M’s 2009 Teacher of the Year and physical education teacher at Mary Frank Elementary School) began the yearly tradition of Running Is Elementary back in 2008. Batalis’ own love for running and her desire to pass that love on to students is evident in the passion she puts into the Running is Elementary event each year.
The top times for the 2019 Running Is Elementary Race were as follows:
5th grade Girls Winner
BIB# 485
Time: 6:42
5th grade Boys Winner
BIB# 431
Time: 6:11
4th grade Girls Winner
BIB# 522
Time: 7:21
4th grade Boys Winner
BIB# 163
Elsie Rogers
Time: 6:15
“Running Buddies” accompany those students who may need a little extra assistance and/or encouragement. All runners are to be congratulated for their efforts and hard work!
A big thank you to the P-H-M Education Foundation and Corporations for Education for sponsoring the event! After Race Snack Donations were donated by Urban Swirl.